Thank You for Supporting

Nome Eweniversity

We are so excited to welcome you to our partner location, the Nome Schoolhouse, and can’t wait to show you around. Before your visit you will want to look around the website and see just how far this school has come since Chris and Teresa purchased it in the fall of 2018. You can see the entire renovation from the beginning to today on their EweTube channel as well as videos to learn more about their fiber arts business. They have shared a weekly video since the beginning of the project.


Please keep in mind that Nome does not currently have a gas station so please ensure you have plenty of gas on your arrival.

Our School consists of a boutique Hotel, Fiber Mill, Fiber Arts Library, Bar and Gift Shop featuring our handmade wool products and much more.

Please contact us if you have questions at all regarding your visit with us.

See you soon!

There’s No Place Like Nome!